دانلود قطعه Whistler ویستلر اثر وایت بوفالو White Buffalo

Whistler ویستلر اثر وایت بوفالو

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قطعه وایت بوفالو به نام Whistler ویستلر
قطعه وایت بوفالو به نام Whistler ویستلر
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White Buffalo

Whistler ویستلر

توضیحات قطعه وایت بوفالو به نام Whistler ویستلر

ترانه موزیک

متن اهنگ Whistler  از White Buffalo


This time is different

It's not like the times before

But I cross my heart, that I won't kill no more

Jesus watch over me

Keep my anger at home

You better bless these wicked hands, because they got a mind of they own

Don't go downtown

The devil whispers in my ear

It's time for your curtain call

So I dress myself on up, with alcohol

Step aside, step aside

Oh, let the whistler through

There really ain't no help at all for folks like me and you

Don't go downtown

Don't go downtown

Get your God damn hands out, don't you look at me

No one's dying here alone

Well I came to get it on

Lets get it on

This time is different

Not like the time before


I crossed my heart that I won't kill no more

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